What Does “Plant in a Bloom” Mean in NYT Crossword?

In the world of crosswords, the clue “Plant in a Bloom” often leaves solvers scratching their heads. The correct answer, as seen in a recent NYT crossword puzzle, is “ALGA”. Alga refers to a type of primitive plant-like organism found primarily in aquatic environments. Algal blooms, which occur when algae grow rapidly, can significantly impact water ecosystems by reducing oxygen levels and creating dead zones. This phenomenon ties directly into the clue, as “bloom” in this context refers to the rapid growth of algae, not flowers as one might initially think.


What is the meaning of ‘Plant in a Bloom’ in crosswords?

The answer is often ALGA, referring to an algal bloom, which is an overgrowth of algae in water.

Why does ‘alga’ fit the clue ‘Plant in a Bloom’?

Algae are plant-like organisms that experience blooms in aquatic environments, making “alga” a fitting response.

What are algal blooms?

Algal blooms occur when algae grow excessively, often due to nutrient pollution, affecting water quality.

Is an alga a plant?

While algae are not true plants, they share many characteristics with plants, such as photosynthesis.

How often does ‘alga’ appear in crosswords?

“Alga” is a common answer in crosswords due to its short length and versatility in clues related to aquatic life.

Understanding clues like this one enhances your crossword-solving experience and expands your knowledge of environmental science at the same time.

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